Let us help Nazima

spenden für nazima, donate to nazima, bersport für die freiheit, mountain sports for freedom

Let us help Nazima

Nazima is still in an asylum center in Hanau, there is still no date for her oral hearing, which means she is still up in the air. After all, she can now leave the Hanau district and travel within Germany. She was in the hospital with panic attacks, but it got better.

In the meantime she was visiting the families of Tim Bartzik in Kassel and Wolfgang Horstmann in Gießen, where she felt very comfortable. Her younger sister Nazira, who was active with her in the Bamiyan ski club, is currently in Italy and has visited her. On the other hand, the situation of the parents in Iran is getting worse and worse, the visa has expired and they don’t know where to go. I sent some money from the donations to the parents through Nazira.

The FAZ has become aware of the case, when the report appears, you will find a link here.

For the 22.1. the BR mountain friends – https://www.br.de/mediathek/podcast/bergfreundinnen/834 a podcast with a wide reach – invited Nazima to Munich.

It will be available from 16.1. I’ll be with Wolfgang’s family again for a few days, I’ll pick them up there on the 21st and bring them to Munich. When the broadcast is finished, you will find the link here.